hindilanguage.info now has a custom website design! The website was designed by Aeterna Studio (http://aeternastudio.com). If you are interested in a custom website design, I highly recommend Aeterna. I will write more about the features of the new website and about Aeterna Studio soon.
Author: david
New Features
मैंने हाल ही में तीन नए भाग वेबसाइट में जोड़े हैं, एक शब्दावली का भाग, एक सवाल-जवाब का भाग, और एक अभ्यास का भाग.
I recently added three new sections to the website: a vocabulary section, a question and answer section, and an exercises section.
मुझे यह बताते हुए बहुत ख़ुशी हो रही है कि Aeterna Studio hindilanguage.info के लिए एक नया डिजाईन बना रहा है. हम अभी डिज़ाइन के बारे में बात करने लगे हैं और बाद में डिज़ाइन तैयार होगा. मैं बहुत खुश हूँ कि hindilanguage.info को अंत में अनोखा डिज़ाइन मिलेगा. hindilanguage.info की मदद करने के लिए Aeterna का बहुत धन्यवाद. आप Aeterna की वेबसाइट पे इस लिंक से जा सकते हैं: http://aeternastudio.com
I am very happy to inform you that Aeterna Studio is making a new design for hindilanguage.info! We just began to discuss the design, and it will be ready after a while. I am very happy that hindilanguage.info will finally have a unique design. Thanks to Aeterna for helping hindilanguage.info! You may visit Aeterna’s website at http://aeternastudio.com
Do you have any suggestions for the site?
What kind of content would you like to see on this site?
For instance, would you like to see tutorials, exercises, more audio, etc.?
Updated Website
Hello, everyone!
I’ve recently updated the website. Some of the new features include:
- A blog
- Disqus Comment System (on all pages and blog posts)
- A Twitter account (@hindilan)
- A Facebook page
- Social media widget (on the right-hand side)
- Updated theme