
The Hindi idiom “लेना-देना” is similar to the English idiom “to have to do with”:

इस बात का मुझसे क्या लेना-देना है? (“What does this matter have to do with me?”).

In general, the form is “X का Y से लेना-देना”. Of course, the word order may vary slightly, as in “मुझसे इस बात का क्या लेना-देना है”. The postpositions used in this idiom vary too: “मुझे इस बात में क्या लेना-देना है”.

The sense of the idiom is “for X to have something to do with Y”, or “for X to be relevant to Y”, or “for X to be related to Y”, “for X to be concerned/care about Y”, etc.


तुम जो लेने को तैयार हो प्यार का उससे कोई लेना-देना नहीं है, बल्कि जो देने को तैयार हो, उससे बहुत कुछ लेना-देना है. (“Love has nothing to do with what you are prepared to take, but everything to do with what you are prepared to give”.)

तुम जितना खाना खाते हो उससे कोई लेना-देना नहीं है, पर जितने बार खाते हो, उससे है. (It has nothing to do with how much you eat, but how many times you eat”.)

मेरा उन लोगों से कोई लेना-देना नहीं है (“I have nothing to do with those people / I don’t care about those people”.)

You may use alternatives such as “सम्बन्ध” (connection / relationship).

“इस बात का मुझसे कुछ सम्बन्ध नहीं है” (“This matter is not relevant to me”)

बुद्धिमानी का होशियारी से कुछ लेना-देना नहीं है (“Wisdom has nothing to do with intelligence”).

A related idiom is “लेन-देन”, which is similar to “give and take” in English, i.e., a transaction or exchange. व्यापर में बहुत लेन-देन है (“In business, there is a lot of transaction”).

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