
This page contains a list of useful Hindi words. If there is a word that is not on this list, and you want me to add it, just ask! The list is not organized in any particular manner – just browse the list and the examples, and hopefully you’ll learn something useful and improve your […]

Dialog 1

Two girls, Anjali and Priya, have come to America to study and are about to begin their first semester of classes. They meet one another, and begin a conversation: अंजलि: तुम क्या पढ़ने वाली हो? Anjali: What are you going to study? प्रिया: मैं engineering और English पढ़ने वाली हूँ Priya: I am going to […]

Compound Verbs

Compound verbs are formed by combining the stem of a main verb with an inflected form of an auxiliary verb. The main verb provides the basic meaning, and the auxiliary modifies the meaning with some nuance. The nuance implied by an auxiliary sometimes cannot be translated easily. The nuances imparted by auxiliary verbs can sometimes […]