थोड़े ही

The word थोड़ा means something like “somewhat”, “a little”, etc.

It can be used in the masculine singular oblique form (थोड़े) with ही as an adverb meaning something like “hardly”, or a more emphatic “not”.

एक किताब पढ़ने से तुम विशेषज्ञ थोड़े ही बनते हो – “Reading one book hardly makes you an expert”

एक रोटी थोड़े ही भोजन बनती है – “One roti hardly makes a meal”

नहीं, हिंदी बोलने वाले थोड़े ही ऐसा कुछ बोलेंगे – “No, Hindi speakers would never say something like that”

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