Infinitive + बाकी

The adjective बाकी means “remaining”, “left”, etc.

कितने आम बाकी हैं – “How many mangoes are left?”

When used with an infinitive, it is similar to the English expressions “yet to X”, “remains to X”, etc.

इंसाफ होना बाकी है – “Justice has yet to be served”

क्या आपका कोई सपना है जो अभी पूरा होना बाकी है – “Do you have a dream which has yet to be fulfilled?”

हमने अब तक अपना काम पूरा नहीं किया है; बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है – “We haven’t completed our work yet; much remains to be done”

6 replies on “Infinitive + बाकी”

nice one, thanks for that!
perhaps add its use when telling the time as alternative to कम: आठ बजने में ग्यारह मिनट बाकी (हैं) – “7:49” (eleven minutes left to eight…)

okay sorry, was only looking at the “कितने आम बाकी हैं” — so I thoguht this is generally dealing with it… oops

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