

Translate the following sentences into Hindi using participles:

  1. The girl talking to my brother is a friend of mine.
  2. Hindi is India’s most widely spoken language.
  3. Taj Mahal, considered to be India’s most famous building, is in Agra.
  4. Varanasi, considered to be the holiest city for Hindus, is in Uttar Pradesh.
  5. We were sitting in the room, talking.
  6. He was walking on the road, smiling.
  7. When the boy hit the ball, it went flying.
  8. When you read an Indian newspaper, you will realize that there is quite a difference between written language and spoken language.
  9. Hindi is the language spoken in Uttar Pradesh.
  10. Hindi is written on the wall.
  11. Have you ever heard Raj play the sitar?
  12. The people about to go to Delhi are sitting over there.
  13. Remove the things kept on the floor.
  14. The girl standing in the corner is my sister.
  15. As soon as the book came in the mail, I opened it and began to read it.
  16. As soon as I arrived home, I ate some food.
  17. Even in the country considered to be the richest in the world, there is poverty.
  18. She closed her eyes and waited for him to bring the gift into the room.
  19. You ought to keep learning Hindi.
  20. Let’s try to keep the fire burning.
  21. I head him speaking with his aunt.
  22. Anjali will keep studying Hindi.
  23. Stand here until I come back.


  1. मेरे भाई से बात करती हुई लड़की मेरी एक दोस्त है
  2. हिंदी भारत की सबसे ज़्यादा बोली जानेवाली भाषा है
  3. ताज महल, भारत की सबसे प्रसिद्ध समझी जानेवाली ईमारत, आगरा में है
  4. वाराणसी, हिन्दुओं के लिए सबसे पवित्र समझा जानेवाला शहर, उत्तर प्रदेश में है
  5. हम कमरे में बैठकर बात कर रहे थे
  6. वह मुस्कराते हुए सड़क पे चल रहा था
  7. जब लड़के ने गेंद मारा तो वह उड़ते हुए गया
  8. जब आप भारतीय अख़बार पढ़ेंगे, तो आपको पता चलेगा कि लिखी जानेवाली भाषा और बोली जानेवाली भाषा में काफी अंतर है
  9. हिंदी उत्तर प्रदेश में बोली जानेवाली भाषा है
  10. दिवार पर हिंदी लिखी (हुई) है
  11. क्या तुमने कभी भी राज को सितार बजाते हुए सुना है?
  12. दिल्ली जानेवाले लोग वहां पे बैठे हुए हैं
  13. फ़र्श पे रखे सामान को हटाओ
  14. कोने में खड़ी हुई लड़की मेरी बहिन है
  15. किताब के डाक में आते ही मैं उससे खोलके पढ़ने लगा
  16. घर पहुंचते ही मैंने खाना खा लिया
  17. दुनिया का सबसे अमीर समझा जानेवाला देश में भी गरीबी है
  18. उसने अपनी आंखों को बंद करके उसके कमरे में उपहार लाने का इंतज़ार किया
  19. आपको हिंदी सीखते रहना चाहिए
  20. आग जलते रखने की कोशिश करते हैं
  21. मैंने उसको अपनी मौसी से बात करते हुए सुना
  22. अंजलि हिंदी सीखती रहेगी
  23. जब तक मैं वापस नहीं आता, तब तक यहां खड़े रहो

2 replies on “Participles”

Hai David..I have a few questions..

1.मेरे भाई से बात करती हुई लड़की मेरी एक दोस्त है : Is ‘dosth’ masculine or feminine. In the other discussion you used it a masculine and here feminine..pls clarify

2.दुनिया का सबसे अमीर समझा जानेवाला देश में भी गरीबी है : what does ‘samjha janewala’ in the examples u provided exactly mean

3.किताब के डाक में आते ही मैं उससे खोलके पढ़ने लगा : shouldn’t it be ‘usko’ instead of ‘उससे ‘ as we are talking about a particular book

4.क्या तुमने कभी भी राज को सितार बजाते हुए सुना है? Shoudn’t it be ‘sitar bajaana’ instead of ‘sitar bajaate huye’ as we are asked to translate ‘Raj play the sitar’ but not ‘Raj playing the sitar’?

5. जब आप भारतीय अख़बार पढ़ेंगे, तो आपको पता चलेगा कि लिखी जानेवाली भाषा और बोली जानेवाली भाषा में काफी अंतर है : Why isn’t subjective mood ‘padhe’ is used instead of ‘padhenge’ in the conditional sentence??

6.उसने अपनी आंखों को बंद करके उसके कमरे में उपहार लाने का इंतज़ार किया She closed her eyes and waited for him to bring the gift into the room : Here ‘उसके कमरे’ used ,refers to her room or his bringing gift to the room..Shouldnt it be ‘usko कमरे’??

Kindly clarify these…Thanq so much in advance

1. दोस्त is a personal noun whose gender depends on the context. If it refers to a female friend or female friends, it is feminine. It it refers to a male friend or male friends, then it is masculine. If it refers to a mixed group of male and female friends, it is masculine (masculine is the default gender in Hindi). 2. समझा जानेवाला means “considered”. It is a so-called “habitual participle”. 3. That was a typographical error; I meant to write उसे, which is the same as उसको. 4. No, the sentence is correct. In Hindi, the literal sentence is “I saw Raj playing the guitar”. Sentences like “I saw Raj play the guitar” are English idioms (“play” here is called a “bare infinitive”; there’s no such thing in Hindi). 5. In colloquial Hindi, the indicative mood is common, even though the subjunctive is appropriate. Also, the future tense can imply that we assume that the person actually will read an Indian newspaper. 6. No. It should be “उसका” actually. We say “उसका इंतज़ार” to mean “wait … for him/her/it”.

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