
Happy New Year 2015!

Happy new year!

Last year, I added about 30 new pages to the site. I also made some significant revisions to certain articles and experimented with a new format (e.g. The Subjunctive Mood).

I decided to delete the Facebook and Twitter accounts for the site. I’m sorry if this disappoints anyone, but I have many reasons for doing so. Facebook’s content syndication strategy only shared my posts with less than 1% of the people who had subscribed to the page on average. Also, very few people participated in the page. Likewise, there were very few “followers” on Twitter, and little engagement. Furthermore, I do not desire to maintain a personal Facebook or Twitter account (or a “dummy” account for the purpose of administration). That’s okay; it just means that these sites are not worthwhile forums for

E-mail subscriptions and Disqus comments are good ways to subscribe to updates and participate in discussions.

As always, I’ll continue to promptly reply to questions.

I hope to continue to improve the quality of the articles on the site. If you have any feedback, let me know.


Happy New Year 2014!

Happy new year!

I was very productive in 2013. I added 119 pages to the site.

The site received 193,837 page views, 134,790 visits, 3,696,995 hits, with an average of 531 page views per day, and a maximum of 925 page views per day. The Facebook page now has 11,120 “likes”.

The site now has 275 pages/posts.

Over a year ago, I posted a list of plans for 2013. Fortunately, I accomplished most of these plans:

  • I added a new “lessons” feature, with 5 lessons, including audio recordings
  • I greatly increased the content – more than 119 new posts/pages!
  • I improved the format of the Q&A section, and added a few more pages to it
  • I added a lot of “notes”
  • I revised a few of the grammar articles (such as the subjunctive mood)
  • Every new article in 2013 was proofread by a native Hindi speaker; the majority of the content on the site has been checked. There are surely still some errors, but I take accuracy very seriously.
  • Added a little more content about Devanagari – one lesson, and an article about typing Devanagari
  • I added a lot of audio recordings within the lessons
  • I added a few reviews of websites related to Hindi
  • I added the overview page to summarize the site’s content
  • I updated the about page with more information about myself and the site
  • I added several new links
  • I started the indexes section, and added information about family relationships, including a diagram
  • I added several transcripts of Hindi T.V. shows
  • I started a Hindi blog, with several posts
  • I started an English blog
  • I posted a lot of content on Facebook

This would not have happened without the support of Aeterna Studio, who implemented the technical side of many of these features. Thanks, Aeterna!

I’m happy with these accomplishments. The site has a lot of information now, and is fairly comprehensive. I’m glad that I’ve documented Hindi grammar and created a great reference.

I’d like to thank Kateryna, Dorothea, Tim, Michael, and especially Andrei. Thank you very much for your participation and support!

So, what are the plans for 2014?

I think in 2014 I will try to improve the content of the existing articles rather than to add new content. You can read about the new format of grammar articles here.

On the technical side of things, better SEO would be nice.

However, my main goal for 2014 is to focus on my own personal goals for learning Hindi much more intensely. I might blog about my experience and give tips for learning Hindi.

Happy new year!


New Grammar Article Format

I have created a new format for the grammar articles. So far, I’ve converted one page to the new format: The Subjunctive Mood. Look at the page to see the new features.

Some important features include:

  • A table of contents at the beginning of the article with hyperlinks for navigation
  • A hierarchical organization
  • An introductory section with examples, including examples that a person might have encountered, such as movie titles, airport announcements, sentences from signs, common expressions, etc.
  • Color-coded boxes for examples, definitions, forms, and important notes.
  • The parts of each example sentence that are relevant to the topic are highlighted in bold
  • Color coding to show how words inflect
  • More tables, including master tables
  • LOTS of examples
  • A section that compares English grammar, with examples

New Comment Options

In order to make commenting more convenient, I have enabled e-mail comments (i.e. commenting with an e-mail address and nickname) and guest comments in the Disqus comment system on the site.


New Feature: Lessons

The first few lessons are now available. I have published 4 lessons so far: an introduction to Devanagari, a lesson about Devanagari vowels, a lesson about velar consonants, and lesson about Hindi nouns.

I am writing drafts for other lessons. I will continue to tweak the format of the lessons that I have published.

News is two years old! is now two years old! I created this site on April 3rd, 2011. Here’s an image of the original site:


When I began to study Hindi, I was disappointed to discover that there is very little information about this language online. Thus, I decided to make a website dedicated to providing information about the Hindi language. Originally, I created a grammar reference. I wanted to provide a comprehensive grammar reference for the Hindi language. By the end of 2011, I had written over 90 articles about Hindi grammar.

In 2012, Aeterna Studio began creating a new site design.

Now, in 2013, the site has expanded beyond its original intent. I’ve added “notes”, lessons, vocabulary, a blog, and even more features.

I look forward to many new additions.


New Drop-Down Menus

Aeterna Studio just added a new feature to the main menu. Now, if any main menu item has sub-items, you can hover the mouse cursor over the menu item and a menu will appear. For certain items that have many children, such as the Grammar item, a “mega drop-down” menu will appear.

Thanks to Aeterna Studio for adding this new feature! Please visit their website.


Devanagari Text Now Customized

Aeterna Studio just added a new feature to the site. Now, I can customize the style of Devanagari text in the main content of pages and posts.

Currently, I have made Devanagari text slightly larger so that it will be easier to read.

Browse a few pages and notice the new appearance of Devanagari text.


Updated “About” Page

The about page has been updated. I added some more personal information and a few pictures for anyone who is interested.


New Q&A Format

The Q&A page now has a new format. Every question now has its own page. There is an index of all pages on the Q&A page.